Now that we have a basic understanding of what art is,the cultural roles it plays, and the different categories and styles, we can now begin to explore more specific physical and conceptual issues surrounding it in the next module.



Assignment 1, Part A: Style, Form, and Content (5%)

  1. Using the Links to art resources, find a work of art, from any culture or time period, and answer the following questions in your journal. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
    • How would you describe the work? What medium is used?
    • What artistic role does it play within the culture it was created?
    • Does it take on more than one role? How?
  2. Artistic styles change over time and throughout cultures, yet some forms are repeated despite the changes. We can examine these forms to aid in finding the meaning, or content, in them. Link to images of three works of art from different time periods and cultures via the following hyperlinks. Notice how each one has a repeated formal element similar to the others. In your journal, write at least one paragraph, for a total of approximately 200 words, to explain each work of art.
    • What style and category does each work belong to?
    • Do these similarities have ties to a common meaning between all of them, or do you think the meaning for each work is separate from the others? Why or why not?
    • What cultural, religious, or other considerations do you take into account in defining your answers?
Here are the links to the images:

You have now reached the end of this section. Before you proceed further, make sure you have completed the activities and assignment. If you have been able to communicate with others, share ideas and suggestions, and communicate with an instructor, so much the better. If your studies through this module inspired ideas that can enhance your achievement of your goals, please make a note of them in your journal.