Business is no stranger to formal management systems that establish processes and systems to ensure compliance with regulations and industry expectations.

In the sustainability area, the ISO 14001 family of standards is the most common and recognised standard that provides management systems for environmental performance. The ISO 26000 standard provides guidance on how businesses and organisations can operate in a socially responsible way.

Environmental management systems like these are common and certainly contribute to an organisation’s improved performance.

Five level framework (see Session 2 of CSF101)


Learning journal activity

This activity is required for students seeking formal credit. Other students may complete a learning journal but it will not be assessed.

  1. Look at the ISO Standard links given above.
  2. To gain a little more overview understanding, have a look at the Wikipedia page on environmental management systems.
  3. Consider the 5 Level Framework covered in Session 2 of Micro Course 1 and note down your answers to the following questions in your learning journal:
    • At which of the five levels do you think environmental management systems fit?
    • What are the likely effects for a business / organisation of implementing an environmental management system on:
      • Resource and waste efficiencies.
      • People’s behaviours.
      • The business’ / organisation’s long term strategy.

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