Module Four: Poverty 1. The Global Challenge of Poverty Outline 2. Module Four Introductory Video 3. Concept Corner 4. Watch a lecture about the ‘Bottom Billion’ 5. Learn how we can combat Extreme Poverty 6. Get some Facts on Extreme Poverty 7. Discover how the MDGs reduced Poverty 8. Shed some Light on Poverty 9. Write a Blog about Poverty Get some Facts on Extreme Poverty The Global Challenge of Poverty Activity Three (Required Activity) Read The World Bank report: Prosperity for All: Ending Extreme Poverty. What percentage of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty? In what countries are they most likely to reside? What countries have the highest percentage of people living in extreme poverty? ← Previous Next →
The Global Challenge of Poverty Activity Three (Required Activity)
Read The World Bank report: Prosperity for All: Ending Extreme Poverty.
What percentage of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty?
In what countries are they most likely to reside?
What countries have the highest percentage of people living in extreme poverty?
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