Was the Paris Climate Change Agreement a victory for climate change, or a failure?
First, get some quick facts on the Paris agreement here:
The Conversation, ‘The Paris Climate Agreement at a Glance’, 13 December 2015.
Now, learn about its strengths and weaknesses:
The Conversation, ‘Paris Climate Agreement: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’, 14 December 2015.
This completes the required activities for Module Seven. You may now choose to proceed to Module Eight, or to complete one or more of the Extension Activities below. Remember, while this week’s blog options are listed as an extension activity, you will need to complete six blogs across the twelve modules for the ‘online participation’ component of the assessment.
Addressing Climate Change Activity Three (Required Activity)
Was the Paris Climate Change Agreement a victory for climate change, or a failure?
First, get some quick facts on the Paris agreement here:
The Conversation, ‘The Paris Climate Agreement at a Glance’, 13 December 2015.
Now, learn about its strengths and weaknesses:
The Conversation, ‘Paris Climate Agreement: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’, 14 December 2015.
This completes the required activities for Module Seven. You may now choose to proceed to Module Eight, or to complete one or more of the Extension Activities below. Remember, while this week’s blog options are listed as an extension activity, you will need to complete six blogs across the twelve modules for the ‘online participation’ component of the assessment.
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