Welcome to Concept Corner! Key concepts for this module are:
Economic Inequality Economic inequality is the difference across societies between people’s income levels, wealth and assets. Societies with an extremely rich minority and very poor majority have high levels of economic inequality; societies with a more even distribution of wealth have lower levels of economic inequality.
Find out more here:
The Equality Trust, ‘How is Economic Inequality Defined?’
Gini Coefficient (sometimes called the Gini index) The Gini coefficient is the most common way income distribution is measured within and across societies. The Gini coefficient is a number between 0 and 1. The higher the number, the more inequality in a society.
Find out more here (halfway down the page):
The Equality Trust, ‘How is Economic Inequality Defined?’
Challenge: What is Australia’s Gini coefficient? Which countries have the highest levels of income inequality in the world, and which countries have the lowest? Do you think there is a relationship between income inequality and development and/or stability?
Look here for more:
CIA, ‘The World Factbook’
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The SDGs are a set of international goals and targets agreed upon by UN member states in 2015, to guide policies and agendas for the next 15 years.
Find out more in Activity Four!
Inequality and the SDGs Key Terms
Welcome to Concept Corner! Key concepts for this module are:
Economic Inequality Economic inequality is the difference across societies between people’s income levels, wealth and assets. Societies with an extremely rich minority and very poor majority have high levels of economic inequality; societies with a more even distribution of wealth have lower levels of economic inequality.
Find out more here:
The Equality Trust, ‘How is Economic Inequality Defined?’
Gini Coefficient (sometimes called the Gini index) The Gini coefficient is the most common way income distribution is measured within and across societies. The Gini coefficient is a number between 0 and 1. The higher the number, the more inequality in a society.
Find out more here (halfway down the page):
The Equality Trust, ‘How is Economic Inequality Defined?’
Challenge: What is Australia’s Gini coefficient? Which countries have the highest levels of income inequality in the world, and which countries have the lowest? Do you think there is a relationship between income inequality and development and/or stability?
Look here for more:
CIA, ‘The World Factbook’
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The SDGs are a set of international goals and targets agreed upon by UN member states in 2015, to guide policies and agendas for the next 15 years.
Find out more in Activity Four!
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