Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:
- How successful were the Millennium Development Goals in addressing poverty?
- The World Bank Group identified two goals in its report Prosperity for All: Ending Extreme Poverty, which are ending extreme poverty by 2030, and promoting shared prosperity (that is, reducing inequality). How are these goals linked?
- Can poverty really be addressed one product at a time?
Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on the issue of poverty.
The Global Challenge of Poverty Activity Six (Extension Activity)
Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:
Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on the issue of poverty.
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