Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:
- Why do you think so many countries are reluctant to respect the rights of refugees under the Refugee Convention?
- Who should be responsible for funding UNHCR?
- Currently, the developing world hosts about ninety per cent of refugees. Do you think this is fair?
Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on the issue of refugees.
Refugees Activity Five (Extension Activity)
Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:
Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on the issue of refugees.
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