Welcome to Concept Corner! Key concepts for this module are:
Asylum seeker An asylum seeker is a person who has sought protection in a state other than their own, and applied to have their status as a refugee recognised by that state, but their claim has not yet been verified.
Find out more here: UNHCR, ‘Asylum Seekers’
Internally displaced person (IDP) An internally displaced person is an individual who has fled his/her home, usually due to war, violence or fear of persecution, but has not crossed an international border.
Find out more here:
UNHCR, ‘Internally Displaced People’
Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Australia Key Terms
Welcome to Concept Corner! Key concepts for this module are:
Asylum seeker An asylum seeker is a person who has sought protection in a state other than their own, and applied to have their status as a refugee recognised by that state, but their claim has not yet been verified.
Find out more here: UNHCR, ‘Asylum Seekers’
Internally displaced person (IDP) An internally displaced person is an individual who has fled his/her home, usually due to war, violence or fear of persecution, but has not crossed an international border.
Find out more here:
UNHCR, ‘Internally Displaced People’
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