Fiona McKay, Samantha Thomas and Susan Kneebone, ‘It would be okay if they came through the proper channels’: community perceptions and attitudes toward asylum seekers in Australia, Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 113-133.
Available from Deakin Research Online:
(Please note that unfortunately the tables associated with the journal article are not available through this source, however the article retains its value without them. Enrolled UOW students who wish to access the tables can view the article through the UOW library database.)
Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Australia Activity Two (Required Activity)
Fiona McKay, Samantha Thomas and Susan Kneebone, ‘It would be okay if they came through the proper channels’: community perceptions and attitudes toward asylum seekers in Australia, Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 113-133.
Available from Deakin Research Online:
(Please note that unfortunately the tables associated with the journal article are not available through this source, however the article retains its value without them. Enrolled UOW students who wish to access the tables can view the article through the UOW library database.)
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