Make a note of the typical responsibilities, qualifications, and experience asked for in the position descriptions.
Careers using project management
Read Chapter 1 Project Management Past and Present (up to but excluding History) in the prescribed textbook (Web | PDF), (pages 1 – 7 in the PDF version).
Identify a project management role in a career not listed in the text. Post your comment below and then look on the course feed page to see what others have posted.
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What is project management?
As this video highlights, the functions of project management can be applied in many areas and are not restricted to the traditional project manager roles in construction etc.
Exploring the project manager role
What does a project manager actually do? Let’s have a look…
Careers using project management
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What is project management?
As this video highlights, the functions of project management can be applied in many areas and are not restricted to the traditional project manager roles in construction etc.
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