In this section we’d like you to read Principles of Macroeconomics: “Chapter 5, Section 3: Unemployment” and then do the following exercise. When done, write your answer in the weblog field, and then check it against the answer key. This reading covers the three types of unemployment: frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, and cyclical unemployment.
Given the data in the table, compute the unemployment rate in Year 1 and in Year 2. Explain why, in this example, both the number of people employed and the unemployment rate increased.
Number employed (in millions)
Number unemployed (in millions)
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Rationale for GDP: A monetary measure
In this section we’d like you to read Principles of Macroeconomics: “Chapter 5, Section 3: Unemployment” and then do the following exercise. When done, write your answer in the weblog field, and then check it against the answer key. This reading covers the three types of unemployment: frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, and cyclical unemployment.
Given the data in the table, compute the unemployment rate in Year 1 and in Year 2. Explain why, in this example, both the number of people employed and the unemployment rate increased.
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Answer key
: There’s a problem with the bullet lists.)