
The Money Market

We get so used to the idea that we exchange money for goods and services that can be hard to wrap our heads around the idea that money, in itself, is a commodity which can be sold, bought and traded.

In the following videos you will be introduced to the some concepts around this very idea.

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This video, by Khan Academy, covers the idea of interest being rent on money.

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This video, picks up on the “interest as rent” concept, and adds to it by looking at monetary supply and demand.

Let us know what your think by posting and sharing your thoughts on WENotes below. For example, complete the following statements:

  • The most important thing to remember about GDP is …..
  • I didn’t realise that ….’
  • When we hear that GDP considers finished goods, it means …
  • or share any relevant thoughts and ideas you have on the GDP video.

Principles of Macroeconomics/MAEC103 WEnotes