
Required Readings: Complexity and alternative measurements

World Table of Misery Index Scores

Monetary policy, in it’s very nature, is complex, fraught with unintended consequences, reactions and conflicting goals. These three readings give you some insight into these complexities.

Policy complexities

This, article, from Wikipedia looks at “Quantitative Easing”, one of the unconventional policies the government can adopt to stabilize the financial system in the economy.

Goal conflicts

Jonathan M. Harris’ article on “Macroeconomic Policy and Sustainability” takes a look at additional perspective about macroeconomic goals and the inherent conflict among them as they relate to a global environmental context.

The misery index

Finally, this Wikipedia article introduces you to the “The Misery Index”and gives you some information about its calculations and some historical data.

Once you’re finished your reading, jot down any of your reflections, thoughts or questions on this subject in a WeNotes post.

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