International Economics
Before moving on, it is best that you take some time and get a grasp on some of the fundamentals of international trade and economics.
Read MIT: Veronica Guerrieri’s “Principles of Macroeconomics, L20-L22: International Economics” lecture notes, which provide a comprehensive overview of international trade. This resource expands on what you learned earlier in the course, including the application of fiscal and monetary policies to international trade, the relevance of inflation, and a set of factors affecting imports and exports. You will gain a broader, deeper, and perhaps more objective perspective on trade-related issues.
Once you’re finished your reading, jot down any of your reflections, thoughts or questions on this subject in a WeNotes post.
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Required Readings: Introduction to Trade
Before moving on, it is best that you take some time and get a grasp on some of the fundamentals of international trade and economics.
Read MIT: Veronica Guerrieri’s “Principles of Macroeconomics, L20-L22: International Economics” lecture notes, which provide a comprehensive overview of international trade. This resource expands on what you learned earlier in the course, including the application of fiscal and monetary policies to international trade, the relevance of inflation, and a set of factors affecting imports and exports. You will gain a broader, deeper, and perhaps more objective perspective on trade-related issues.
Once you’re finished your reading, jot down any of your reflections, thoughts or questions on this subject in a WeNotes post.
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