
Required Readings: Purposes of money

World Currencies

We talk about money a lot, but what is it and what is it for? To get a better handle on this, read Principles of Macroeconomics: “Chapter 9, Section 1: What Is Money?” Read this section and attempt the “Try It” exercises at the end of the section.

Then take a few minutes to go through these lecture notes from
MIT: Veronica Guerrieri’s “Principles of Macroeconomics, L10: Money”, which talks about the functions and drawbacks of money.

Finally, read Principles of Macroeconomics: “Chapter 9, Section 2: The Banking System and Money Creation”, which covers the creation of money. When done with the reading, take a few minutes to do the “Try It” exercise.

Having read these texts, jot down any of your reflections, thoughts or questions on this subject in a WeNotes post.

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