
Learning output actions

Prepare a blog post of approximately 500 – 600 words where you use your reflection from the previous section and the other readings in this learning pathway to answer the following questions:

  1. Which side of each of these debates would you find yourself?
  2. Do you think any of the alternative measures we discussed would address these debates?
  3. Do you think that outcomes for individual humans or environmental sustainability are factored in to an appropriate level?
  4. Justify your responses drawing on the readings and videos through out this learning pathway, ensure you use the correct terms and definitions to back up your position.

Remember to tag (WordPress) or label (Blogger) your blog post using the course tag: MonetaryPolicy/MAEC103/tag

Note that you can also record your reflections in a written journal, if you prefer, but sharing your insights with your classmates means that you can trigger a discussion that may lead to a deeper understanding as we can all benefit from each other’s experience.

(Comment.gif: The course tag appears in full in the text.)