Why Model United Nations or MUNS?

Vienna International MUN 2010 Photo courtesy of IAEA Imagebank via Flickr CC-BY-SA

Model United Nations (MUNs) are experiential learning programs where participants discuss ideas and brainstorm solutions to global challenges as model diplomats. MUNs are run around the world and operate at some campuses in Australia but we believe this is the first run as an accredited subject. If you are interested in International Studies, Global Citizenship and Communications, Negotiation and Diplomacy – this subject is for you.

The vision for a unique global learning opportunity

This free learning opportunity is offered by the University of Wollongong, and will be taught in parallel with an on-campus cohort of students. Both online and on-campus students will have a shared set of online resources and assignments. We aim to provide a global learning experience for all students, with the online, international students adding an additional set of perspectives and experiences to the cohort of students studying on campus in Australia. The Australian on-campus students will have access to a range of face-to-face learning experiences not available to the online learners, and we hope they will be able to reflect on these experiences and share their insights with the online learners via the course website and through social media.