Celebrate what you’ve accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.

—Mia Hamm


Module checklist

I have satisfied the following criteria and will submit evidence in the requested formats when applying for the Teacher for Learning badge.

Criteria and Evidence Required for Badge Assessment

I have:

  • Identified a concept that is often misunderstood in my discipline and created an analogy to help make sense of it.
    • Evidence: Add the web address/upload for your response to T4L Activity #1 to your Extend NZ blog or portfolio.
  • Created a concept map of a course syllabus, using a visual organiser tool.
    • Evidence: Add the web address/upload for your response to T4L Activity #2 to your Extend NZ blog or portfolio.
  • Practised my note-taking skills.
    • Evidence: Add the web address/upload for your response to T4L Activity #3 to your Extend NZ blog or portfolio.
  • Brainstormed a “What’s in it for me?” list, from a student perspective.
    • Evidence: Add the web address/upload for your response to T4L Activity #4 to your Extend NZ blog or portfolio.
  • Identified a concept in my discipline that is like driving a car, and specified the component skills that are required to master this concept or skill.
    • Evidence: Add the web address/upload for your response to T4L Activity #5 to your Extend NZ blog or portfolio.
  • Found a ‘nugget’ and made it as meaningful as possible.
    • Evidence: Add the web address/upload for your response to T4L Activity #6 to your Extend NZ blog or portfolio.
  • Shared an image and explanation of how it represents me and my approach as a teacher.
    • Evidence: Add the web address/upload for your response to T4L Activity #7 to your Extend NZ blog or portfolio.
  • Reflected on the module experience.
    • Evidence: Add the web address/upload for your reflection to your Extend NZ blog or portfolio.

Add a link or copy of your work for this module to the Moodle assignment submission here