

Try your luck with this hand

  • Can these resources be aggregated and legally released as a derivative work?
    • Yes
      • Correct. Resources in the public domain and CC-BY licensed materials can be mixed with a BY-NC license.
    • No
      • Incorrect. These licenses are compatible. The public domain and CC-BY materials can be aggregated with the BY-NC materials.
  • Which of the following licenses could be used for the derivative work:
    • All rights reserved Copyright
      • Correct. Since CC BY-NC does not contain a copyleft, or Share-alike, condition, it can be re-licensed under “all rights reserved” since no further rights are gained of an ARR work. You would still not be able to make a commercial use.
    • CC-BY
      • Incorrect. The NC restriction on the photo would not permit the derivative worked to be licensed as CC-BY.
    • Released under a public domain declaration
      • Incorrect. The attribution requirements of CC-BY and the NC restriction would not permit this.
    • BY-NC
      • Correct The derivative work can be released under the same restriction of the most restricted license in the pack. There are however other alternatives as well.
    • BY-NC-ND
      • Correct. It is possible to release this aggregation under a more restrictive license by adding the ND restriction. However, where possible we recommend that remixers try to respect the intentions of the original creators, especially where no new or original materials have been added.
    • BY-NC-SA
      • Correct. It is possible to release this aggregation under a more restrictive license by adding the SA restriction. However, where possible we recommend that remixers try to respect the intentions of the original creators, especially where no new or original materials have been added.
    • BY-SA
      • Incorrect. The NC restriction of the photo would necessitate the inclusion of the NC restriction. The SA license does permit commercial activity for value-added services on condition that the derivative work is also released under a share alike license.

This is a remix inspired by the online version of David Wiley’s OER remix game.