Course Coordinator  


Dr Sophie Ross

Dr Sophie Ross is a lecturer with the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics (TSBE). Sophie’s research interests include social enterprises and cross-sector partnerships. Sophie’s recently completed PhD thesis explored the partnership decision-making of Australian social enterprises in their partnerships with for-profit business organisations. Sophie has a wide range of teaching experience within TSBE. In addition to unit coordination social Entrepreneurship in the digital age, Sohpie has taught small business management, organisational change and development, retailing and sales, and international human resource management. Sophie has also worked on different tourism and agricultural research projects as a research assistant.



Dr Winyu Chinthammit

Dr Winyu Chinthammit is a deputy director of Human Interface Technology Lab Australia (HIT Lab AU), School of Engineering and ICT in the Faculty of Engineering, Science & Technology. His teaching includes KIT 208 Virtual and Mixed Reality technologies and KIT412 Computer Vision in interactive systems. His research interest is in advanced user interface such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Scientific 3D data visualisation and Interactive Table interface. He also applies his interface research in different disciplines such as education technology and tele rehabilitation.



Dr Mary Duniam

Dr Mary Duniam is a PhD Candidate with the Institute for Regional Development (IRD), Cradle Coast Campus. Mary’s research focus is on local government and social enterprises in Tasmania, exploring relationships that build community value, in particular relationships between local Councils and local social enterprises. Mary has been a teacher within the VET sector and taught Management and Business Administration as well as teaching at UTAS in the University Preparation Program. Mary has undertaken a scoping study into social enterprises and local government for the Australian Centre for Excellence in Local Government, and co-authored Social enterprises in rural community governance: evidence from Tasmania in Critical Reflections on Interactive Governance: Self-organisation and Participation in Public Governance(2016) with Professor Robyn Eversole. Mary is also a Councillor and Deputy Mayor of Waratah-Wynyard Council, and an executive member of several local social enterprises.


Educational Technologist


Ryan Brunton

Ryan Brunton is the Educational Technologist for the College of Sciences and Engineering at UTAS. Working within the academic development sphere, his primary role is to review and redevelop UTAS STEM units. Helping to integrate technology, authentic learning activities, feedback and measurable learning outcomes. With a particular focus on course renewal. You can connect and learn more about Ryan through LinkedIN.