Pathway learning objectives
After reviewing the content and learning activities for this Learning Pathway you should:
- Be able to define key concepts and understand the differences between them
Key Concepts: social entrepreneurship, social enterprise and social innovation
Many of you may already be familiar with the terms social entrepreneurship, social enterprise and social innovation. We are certainly seeing these terms used more frequently, both in the community more widely, and in academia where new journals have been created in the fields of both social entrepreneurship and social enterprise. Whilst the hype surrounding social entrepreneurship and social enterprise may be growing, many of the activities and organisational forms associated with these concepts have in fact been around for a very long time. It is the language that is used to describe and conceptualise them which is new. The discussion that exists around these concepts is quite complex, and in many cases, a common definition has yet to be agreed upon. With this complexity in mind, the following lecture seeks to introduce these concepts and provide an illustration of the connections between them.
Lecture 2 – Slides: Conceptualising Social Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation and Social Enterprise
Reading: Grieco, 2015. Conceptualizing Social Entrepreneurship: Where We Are and How to Move Forward
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Pathway learning objectives
After reviewing the content and learning activities for this Learning Pathway you should:
Key Concepts: social entrepreneurship, social enterprise and social innovation
Many of you may already be familiar with the terms social entrepreneurship, social enterprise and social innovation. We are certainly seeing these terms used more frequently, both in the community more widely, and in academia where new journals have been created in the fields of both social entrepreneurship and social enterprise. Whilst the hype surrounding social entrepreneurship and social enterprise may be growing, many of the activities and organisational forms associated with these concepts have in fact been around for a very long time. It is the language that is used to describe and conceptualise them which is new. The discussion that exists around these concepts is quite complex, and in many cases, a common definition has yet to be agreed upon. With this complexity in mind, the following lecture seeks to introduce these concepts and provide an illustration of the connections between them.
Lecture 2 – Slides: Conceptualising Social Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation and Social Enterprise
Reading: Grieco, 2015. Conceptualizing Social Entrepreneurship: Where We Are and How to Move Forward
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