
The OER universitas (OERu) is an international consortium of like-minded universities, polytechnics and community colleges using open education approaches to widen access to education for all.


Global Sharing, Affordable Learning

Vision of the OERu

We envision a world where all learners have affordable access to higher education.

Mission of the OERu network

Members of the OERu network demonstrate their public service missions through the provision of alternate pathways to credible credentials using open education approaches.

Strength through diversity

The OERu network comprises 30+ partner institutions from six major regions of the world. Working together we are building a parallel learning universe to augment and improve educational provision.


For a high-level overview of what OERu is, and how it might benefit your institution read our brochure and discover 7 things you should know about OERu. Joining the OERu does not require new money. Our open business model brochure and supporting open business model canvas shows how the OERu sustains its charitable operations while widening access to new opportunities for your organisation.

Become an OERu partner

OERu is a low cost, low risk – but high impact collaboration. Partnership with the OERu brings substantial ROI to leading institutions around the world- social good, global recognition, and increased revenues. Visit OERu.org/Invite and learn how our innovation partnership provides learners – no matter where they live or their station in life – with an accessible, relevant and affordable opportunity to learn.