Your colleague Jason believes he is an excellent listener and reader, but his boss has recently told him that he sometimes seems uninterested and distracted at work. Jason does not always maintain eye contact with others when in conversation; he finds it more comfortable to look other places. When he does not understand something, he is quick to restate the message in his own words. After paraphrasing, he asks if he understood the message correctly. He frequently interrupts others for control. Jason believes he is excellent at multi-tasking. He is usually found reading with the computer and/or the radio on nearby. When Jason reads, he often keeps his eyes engaged on the page. Every once in a while, he focuses on his internal monologue; he often narrates his life as if he is the hero in an epic movie. He asks appropriate clarifying questions that communicate interest and gained insights.
Jason comes to you for advice on how to improve his listening and reading skills. Based on the description of Jason, reflect on the following questions:
What are Jason’s particular strengths and challenges?
What strategies for active listening and reading would you suggest for him?
How might your working relationship with Jason help or hinder you in offering advice?
What cultural factors might affect how Jason and others perceive his behaviour? (Think about eye contact in particular.)
Make notes on your ideas in your learning journal and then develop your best advice to Jason in written form. Use bullet points or short paragraphs (total of 150 words or less)
To check your strategy suggestions, review Chapter 3.5 in your text and any other helpful resources you found during your own web search.
Listening and reading habits tasks