
Outcomes, whether formulated as learning outcomes, skills and competencies or occupational standards are at the heart of the learning process. It is the first key element of the OARAS learning design framework. OARAS stands for Outcomes – Assessment – Resources – Activities – Support. All other elements need to be designed and aligned to meet and support learners achieve the desired outcomes, which is the purpose of the training or learning process.

You need to understand educational outcomes to be able to work with them and design assessments, learning activities and resources to guide and support learners to achieve them.



Once you have worked your way successfully through the activities in the learning project, you will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between different outcomes.
  2. Analyse and interpreted outcomes to define clear performance criteria.
  3. Complete the outcomes section of the OARAS framework.
  4. Use educational outcomes to plan and design competency-based assessment and training.