
Unless you are experienced learning designer and a practitioner of the vocation you are designing your module for, you will need a small team to complement your expertise. To ensure you analyse and interpret the outcomes you are working with correctly and the performance criteria developed or reviewed clearly states the level and conditions of performance required for competence you will need people with the following skills and expertise:

  • a learning designer who will bring expertise in writing clear statement,
  • a subject matter expert or industry practitioner who will bring the in depth knowledge and expertise of the vocation, the industry and the workplace context. She/he will help with interpreting the outcomes and defining clear performance criteria and range,
  • an assessor or a representative of the assessment authority who will bring understanding of how competence and performance are defined and assessed and if there are any specific requirements that need to be met, if that is not already specified in the qualification document.

You may not need different people for each of the roles if some people bring skills and experience and are able to fulfill more than one role. We also recommend you involve some of your colleagues in the process to review and provide feedback on your work and assure the outcomes you are working with are translated in clear and distinct elements of competency and performance criteria.