
Well done, completing the assessment section in the OARAS template for your course or module. Hope you shared your draft in the forum and your fellow learners have provided you with some feedback, useful ideas and suggestions how you could further improve on your work.

Now you are ready to design the assessments you have conceptualised in the OARAS document and develop them into quality assessment tools.

If you think of assessment as a product, as with the design of all products, the quality of the assessment you design will depend on the time and effort put into the research and development and the ongoing testing and refining of your prototype.

There are four distinct steps in the assessment design process we suggest you follow to produce quality assessments.

  • Step 1 – Familiarise yourself and understand the mandatory requirements of the assessment task(s);
  • Step 2 – Choose appropriate assessment method(s) to assess the specified competencies;
  • Step 3 – Develop the assessment tool(s); and
  • Step 4 – Test and refine the assessment to maximise confidence that the tool(s) can be used flexibly and help make valid, reliable and fair judgements.

Follow the four‑step process and provided support resources, they will help you design assessment tools that produce quality assessments and outcomes.

Let’s get started!