Educational videos come in many varieties.

If you are designing resources that will be used to support learners who are being trained in the workplace the most common are narrated PowerPoint, whiteboard video and demonstration videos.

We have already discussed how videos and presentations provide learners an opportunity to see and hear a work process.

For workplace learners videos provide a safe place for the learner to watch and re-watch instructions relevant to the the topic that they are studying.

Videos should be clear and concise and if possible delivered in short chunks.

When making videos you should consider the following:

  • Use a quiet space. Avoid/minimise external background noise.
  • Keep them short and to the point.
  • Be prepared, collect the tools required before hand, have a script of the key points for this video,
  • Use closeups where possible to minimise distractions.
  • Multiple small videos – short and to the point – are easier to review by the student, quicker to download.
  • Uses a tripod to avoid wobbles if practical.
  • Upload video to YouTube and download again – this can reduce the file size without the quality being reduced.

Let’s look at the different types of videos you can create.