Learner characteristics

No two people are the same and they all learn in different ways.

There are many aspects to consider, such as:

  • How people learn – reading about it, watching it, hearing the steps required, doing it.
  • Tools people use to remember things – remembering key points , building on the already known and processing information into a context of understanding.
  • Language. Are your students familiar and comfortable in the language you will present the learning materials in?
  • Any additional constraints such as medical or health issues which may affect concentration and engagement abilities to learn.

This means when we are designing courses there is no one size fits all approach.

You will find information about this in the resources section of this course. You are encouraged to access these resources to assist you to complete the following activity.

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The first step to identifying support requirements is to identify who your learners are.
Create a learner profile by asking yourself some questions about your learner.

To help you to do this download the Learner Support Plan and fill in the column ‘Record your findings here’.

You will need Apache Open Office to download this document. The link is in the Course technologies section in the Course guide tab.