What is peer support?

Connecting learners with other learners to support each other to achieve outcomes. Peer support can be used to provide additional guidance for a learner who may require additional time and explanations. Ensure that the peer giving the support has the knowledge and skill to provide the support.

Why do we encourage peer support?

A learning or work environment is a place of community, and an opportunity to build and foster relationships. Peer support should provide a comfortable environment to build knowledge skills and relationships in a positive manner. Trainers and supervisors are not always available but where peers connect and support each other with their understanding, continuing growth and development is built.

Types of peer support

Informal peer support

Informal, non-structured arrangements build relationships organically. Students can seek feedback and provide encouragement to each other to further knowledge and skills.

Formal peer support

Formal support may be arranged between more experienced students and new students to encourage learning and skills.

Creating opportunities for remote learners to provide peer support

Where learning is undertaken with an on-line component, there is opportunity to build peer support in the following ways:

  • social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, etc
  • forums on LMS
  • telephone
  • email
  • live support where a trainer or experienced practitioner is available. This could be at scheduled times.

Learn about peer support

This resource targets secondary school teachers, however the information is valuable regardless of the age of your learner.

5 Peer Support Approaches That Work!