
Climate Change Key Terms

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Welcome to Concept Corner! Key concepts for this module are:

Climate Change Climate change refers to a long term change in the climate, often measured by average annual global temperature. It usually refers to the current/projected long term increase in average temperatures caused by an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, in turn caused by the use of fossil fuels.
Find out more here: Australian Academy of Science, ‘What is Climate Change?’
Global Warming Global warming refers to the long term increase in average temperatures caused by an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Contemporary global warming has been caused by the use of fossil fuels; in past ages there have been natural periods of global warming.
Find out more here:
Martin Griffiths and Terry O’Callaghan, International Relations: The Key Concepts (New York: Routledge), pp. 129-31.

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TIP: Remember to use these concepts in your assessment tasks! Students who demonstrate the ability to appropriately use terms from Concept Corner in their blogs, research essay and interview will be assessed favourably for doing so.