
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Activity Four (Required Activity)

In Module One we learned that there are five essential characteristics of human rights. They are:

  • inherent
  • universal
  • inalienable
  • indivisible
  • interdependent

In this reading, author Jack Donnelly explores the characteristic of universality, questioning the limitations of this concept.

Jack Donnelly, ‘The Relative Universality of Human Rights, Human Rights Quarterly 29, no. 2, May 2007, pp. 281-306.

This completes the required activities for Module Three. You may now choose to proceed to Module Four, or to complete one or more of the Extension Activities. If you enjoyed this module, you may like to consider the ‘UDHR’ task as one of your Active Online Participation activities. Remember, you need to complete four Active Online Participation activities as part of the course assessment, and they can be completed at any time as you work through the course modules.