
Tribal berry picking area Surprise Lake (36361177573).jpg
Relationships, like plants, require cultivation.

—Author unknown


Collaborator activity 3

Now it’s time to start cultivating your own PLN!

As evidence of completion, please add a link or a copy of your response to your Extend NZ blog or portfolio.

Remember to:

  • Strengthen your connections. Comment on and share the work of others and contribute your own work or ideas. Gather and follow the people and organisations that push you to extend your thinking and move out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to find diverse voices that may inspire your thinking in new ways. These things are key to creating a sustainable PLN – one that will help you develop and feel inspired
  • Limit your ‘follows’ to topics you are passionate about. Cull your follows once in a while to refocus your stream
  • Always use ‘netiquette’; acknowledge the contributions of others
  • Think before you share; be consistent with the identity you are projecting