Criterion Group HD A B C F Mark
Brief Specific
Answered the brief Is entirely relevant to the brief to create a tourism brochure, and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the elements relevant to tourism in their chosen location. Has prepared a tourism brochure that meets almost all of the elements relevant to the brief to create a tourism brochure. Has many elements relevant to tourism in their chosen location. The brochure addresses most of the elements relevant to the brief to create a tourism brochure for their chosen location. Contains some of the elements relevant to tourism in their chosen location. The tourism brochure has some elements relevant to the brief, though it wanders off-topic and/or addresses areas that are of little or no concern to the assignment task at hand. Does not address the core elements of the assigned task, and uses examples that are poorly, or not at all, related. /5
Quality and accuracy of content Has clear, well-integrated and accurate content relevant to their location throughout the entire brochure. Written in a sophisticated manner. Has clear and accurate content relevant to their location throughout the brochure. Ideas are clearly stated. Has some accurate content relevant to their location throughout the brochure. Some ideas are not clearly stated. Content contained in the brochure is mostly accurate. However, many ideas are not clearly stated, detracting from the overall content. Does not appear to contain any content relevant the location, or information is misrepresented or inaccurate. /10
Academic evidence in support of the content Integrates appropriate and relevant content in a sophisticated manner. The academic evidence in support of the content chosen is entirely in alignment with the brief of the assignment. Integrates appropriate and relevant academic evidence to support content chosen effectively. Evidence is mostly in alignment with the brief of the assignment. Integrates appropriate and relevant academic evidence to support content chosen. Evidence is generally in alignment with the brief of the assignment. Uses some appropriate academic evidence in the brochure. The support chosen is broadly in alignment with the brief of the assignment, but there was some misinterpretation of evidence and contradictory statements. Does not use appropriate evidence in the brochure. The support chosen is generally taken out of context or misrepresented. /15
Use of examples Cleverly uses appropriate examples. The examples are interesting, engaging, and well-chosen to best support the content. Uses appropriate examples. The examples used are interesting, engaging, and well-chosen to support the content. Uses appropriate examples, though they may not be used to best effect. The examples used are engaging and reasonably well-chosen to support the content. The examples used are chosen to support the content, though they may not always do so effectively. Either does not use examples, or they are chosen poorly and they do not assist the content of the brochure. /15
Academic skills
Writing style Clear, precise and elegant, uses language that is simple and effective. Clear and precise, though occasionally the presentation of ideas may be overly complicated or overworked. Satisfactory, though use of language unclear at times and/or relies on rhetorical devices. Broadly satisfactory, but the format and style of the brochure is poorly executed. At times, this poor execution affects the flow of what is presented. Bears little resemblance to the expected brochure format. /5
Appropriate referencing Demonstrates a sophisticated use of referencing material and factual information, including synthesis from a number of sources. References all of the appropriate ideas and facts within the brochure, and provides some synthesis from a number of sources. Most ideas or facts are attributed, although there may be some gaps in referencing and/or reliance on direct quotation to convey conceptual information. Some ideas or facts are attributed, and there are gaps in referencing and/or over reliance on direct quotation to convey conceptual information. Few (if any) referenced ideas, facts or opinions. /2.5
Use of required referencing system Fully compliant with current Harvard system. Few (if any) errors. Compliant with Harvard system, with some errors. Broadly compliant with Harvard system. Inconsistent use of page numbers and/or referencing of online documents. Non-Harvard system used and/or many errors are present. No consistent referencing standard applied. /2.5
Depth of research 10 or more independent sources. 9 or more independent sources. 8 or more independent sources. 7 or more independent sources. 6 or fewer independent sources. /10

Written communication skills
Overall structure Demonstrates a clear and elegant progression between the sections of the brochure. The points in each section are always grouped logically. Very clear links between sections contained in the brochure. Displays a clear relationship between the sections of the brochure. Points are usually grouped logically and links between the sections are usually made clearly. Generally has a clear relationship between the sections of the brochure, though makes some structural errors in ordering the information, and/or may lack clear links between the sections. Has a general structure and some relationship between the sections of the brochure, though this is not particularly logical, nor well presented. Contains no discernible structure, and lacks a delineated approach to the material presented. /10
Clear, grammatically correct, written expression Very few (if any) grammatical errors. The meaning of each sentence is always clear and easily understood. Few grammatical errors. Mostly the meaning of what is written is clear. Some grammatical errors. Generally the meaning of what is written is clear. Many grammatical errors. At times the meaning of what is written is affected by these errors. Numerous grammatical errors are present, and this affects the ability to understand the meaning of what is said. /10
Required Length Exceeds 1500 words (text) or is less than 1350 words (text) /5
Creativity in design and layout of brochure The brochure displays a very high level of creativity in design and layout. It is very well-presented and the content is presented in a very creative manner. The brochure displays a high level of creativity in design and layout. It is well-presented and the content is presented in a creative manner. The brochure displays sound level of creativity in design and layout. Content and layout are nicely presented. Demonstrates some creativity, not all sections are well presented. Contains no discernible creativity, and the brochure is poorly presented. /10

General Comments:
