
E-learning activity summary

Summary: Identifying the countries in the Asia-Pacific region
1.5 to 2 hours
Activity 2.1

web resources

Stimulus resources

Stimulus: A map depicting the countries that are generally categorised as belonging to the ‘Asia-Pacific’ region.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation nations.svg



To identify and become more familiar with the countries which make up the Asia-Pacific region.


  1. Compile a list of countries you think comprise the Asia-Pacific region.
  2. After compiling your list, use an Internet search to identify which countries are normally identified as belonging to the Asia-Pacific region and whether they appear on the regional map in the stimulus above.
  3. Select 3-5 countries from your researched list and upload them onto the <Course wiki link to be added. Check pipes> Wiki List for this e-learning activity to share with your fellow students. If your countries are already listed you can signal your agreement by inserting a smiley face or a tick. Take time to look at what other countries students have listed.
  4. After completing Steps 2) & 3), document in around 50-100 words the similarities and contrasts between the countries which appear on the list you devised, as well as the class <Course wiki link to be added. Check pipes> Wiki list. Did your initial idea of an Asia-Pacific country match your researched list and the class <Course wiki link to be added. Check pipes> Wiki? 


Learning outcome actions

  1. Add your 3-5 countries to the <Course wiki link to be added. Check pipes> class wiki. Add new countries to the list, or a smiley face next to countries already submitted by fellow learners.
  2. Using the ‘E-learning Activity and Personal Reflection e-Portfolio’ upload your findings on the task described in Step 4) above. This should be completed no later than the close (Friday) of Week 2.
  3. Please enter any useful online sources you accessed during this e-learning activity into the Regional Relations Source Repository located on the Study Desk.