
Discussion Boards

After listening to Greg and Emily talk about their passions and motivations behind the establishment of their social enterprises, consider the following question: (post your answers here)

If you were to set up a social enterprise, what would be your primary motivation in doing so (hint: check [page 2, slide 2 in Lecture 5]? What would be your value proposition (e.g. what kind of value would be hoping to generate for yourself, for your beneficiaries, for the planet)?

(We recommend revisiting your post from the Introduction to Key Concepts discussion board to consider how the issues you identified might connect with your motivations and passions. How has your thinking about this issue developed?)


Review questions

To help guide your learning throughout the Learning Pathways, we have developed self-assessment quizzes which cover the content provided in each section. The quizzes are not assessed, and you can attempt the questions as many times it takes to answer correctly
Assess your understanding of this learning pathway by selecting the correct answer for each of the following questions:

  • Social enterprises are considered to be a hybrid organisational form because:
    • They utilise hybrid technologies to run their businesses
      • Incorrect.
    • They rely upon multiple sources of funding
      • Incorrect.
    • They meet the needs of a range of different individuals in society
      • Incorrect.
    • They combine both social and commercial values and objectives
      • Correct.
  • The social enterprise STREAT is an example of which operational model?

web resources


  • Boluk, K & Mottiar, Z 2014. Motivations of social entrepreneurs: blurring the social contribution and profits dichotomy, Social Enterprise Journal, 10(1), pp. 53-68
  • Germak, A & Robinson, J 2013. Exploring the motivations of nascent social entrepreneurs, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 5(1), pp.5-21

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