Global Effects of the Cold War 1. Overview 2. The Atomic Arms Race 3. Revolutionary politics in the West 4. The European Union 5. The Great Leap Forward 6. The Rise of China 7. Review Revolutionary politics in the West Reading Read the below article. As you do so, consider the following questions: What factors contributed to the student protest movement in the 1960s? How did this generation differ from the preceding generation in its experiences, goals and desires? Steven Kreis, ‘1968: The Year of the Barricades’, The History Guide: Lectures on Twentieth Century Europe, 13 April 2012. Demonstrate your learning from this reading by posting a comment for your fellow students in WEnotes below. For example: The Vietnam War … Protesters … You must be logged in to post to WEnotes. (Visit the course feed to read comments from participants) ← Previous Next →
Read the below article. As you do so, consider the following questions:
Steven Kreis, ‘1968: The Year of the Barricades’, The History Guide: Lectures on Twentieth Century Europe, 13 April 2012.
Demonstrate your learning from this reading by posting a comment for your fellow students in WEnotes below. For example:
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