
Globalization Multiple Choice Review Quiz

Complete the following quiz to review your knowledge from this learning pathway. This quiz will help students undertaking this course for credit to prepare for their test.

  • The best way to determine a nation’s impact on the environment is to consider its:
    • total population
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on population growth and immigration in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • total population per square kilometer
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on population growth and immigration in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • consumption patterns
      • Correct. Well done!
    • land mass
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on population growth and immigration in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • Promoting development in severely underdeveloped countries requires:
    • investment in infrastructure
      • Incorrect. This is part of the answer, but there is a better option. Review the activity on economic inequality in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • foreign skills and capital
      • Incorrect. This is part of the answer, but there is a better option. Review the activity on economic inequality in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • primary exports
      • Incorrect. This is part of the answer, but there is a better option. Review the activity on economic inequality in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • all of the above answers are correct
      • Correct. Well done!
  • All of the following rights are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with the exception of:
    • the right to rest
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on human rights in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • the right to a presumption of innocence until proven guilty
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on human rights in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • the right to own property
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on human rights in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • the right to attend university
      • Correct. Well done! Everyone does have a right to education, however, and ‘and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit’.
  • Evidence shows that globalization:
    • improves gender equality
      • Correct. Well done!
    • increases income equality within countries
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on globalization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • does not improve human rights
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on globalization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • is not correlated with economic growth
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on globalization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.


Globalization True/False Review Quiz

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false:

  • Globally, the 20% of the world’s people in the highest-income countries account for over 80% of total private consumption expenditures and the poorest 20% less than 2%.
    • True
      • Correct. Well done!
    • False
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on population growth and immigration in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • An ‘ecological footprint’ is the carrying capacity, or maximum persistently supportable load, and the area of land required to support a city or nation.
    • True
      • Correct. Well done!
    • False
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on population growth and immigration in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • Raising the productivity of the agricultural sector while decreasing the size of the sector is important for maintaining the momentum of development in developing countries.
    • True
      • Correct. Well done!
    • False
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on economic inequalities in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • In 1948, the rights espoused in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights became international law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
    • True
      • Incorrect. This occurred in 1966.
    • False
      • Correct. Well done!
  • Although the majority of countries have equal pay laws, in many cases women are still paid up to 30% less than men for similar work.
    • True
      • Correct. Unfortunately the gender gap remains very real, even in developed countries.
    • False
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the changing status of women in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.