
The Cold War and Decolonization in the Developing World Multiple Choice Review Quiz

Complete the following quiz to review your knowledge from this learning pathway. This quiz will help students undertaking this course for credit to prepare for their test.

  • All of the following statements about the Vietnam War are correct, except:
    • even low estimates suggest close to one million Vietnamese were killed
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the Vietnam War in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • it was a ‘proxy’ war
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the Vietnam War in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • it is also known as the First Indochina War
      • Correct. It is also known as the Second Indochina War.
    • the US withdrew after a cease-fire agreement in 1973
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the Vietnam War in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • Complete the following sentence: After World War II, there was a bloody conflict in Vietnam between _______ colonial forces and Communist Vietnamese forces for control of the land.
    • Belgian
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the Vietnam War in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • British
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the Vietnam War in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • French
      • Correct. Well done!
    • Dutch
      • Incorrect. Review the activity on the Vietnam War in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • Which of the below was a major factor in contributing to nationalism in the post-World War Two period?
    • Indian independence in 1947
      • Incorrect. This is part of the answer, but there is a better option. Review the activities on decolonization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • violent repression of nationalist movements
      • Incorrect. This is part of the answer, but there is a better option. Review the activities on decolonization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • the anti-imperialism of the US and USSR
      • Incorrect. This is part of the answer, but there is a better option. Review the activities on decolonization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • all of the above answers are correct
      • Correct. Well done!
  • What was the predominant factor that led Britain to leave India in 1947?
    • Britain could no longer afford to maintain the territory due to its debts from World War Two
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on decolonization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • internal unrest
      • Correct. Well done!
    • UN Security Council Resolution 125
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on decolonization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • none of the above answers are correct
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on decolonization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • Britain was condemned by the international community in the 1950s because:
    • of the Suez crisis
      • Incorrect. This is part of the answer, but there is a better option. Review the activities on decolonization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • of its continued attempts to influence events in newly independent India
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on decolonization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • of its heavy-handed tactics to suppress protests in its colonies
      • Incorrect. This is part of the answer, but there is a better option. Review the activities on decolonization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • both (a) and (c) are correct
      • Correct. Well done!


The Cold War and Decolonization in the Developing World True/False Review Quiz

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false:

  • Even though Britain was victorious in World War Two, the prestige it lost hastened the decolonization process.
    • True
      • Correct. Well done!
    • False
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on decolonization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
  • Most countries in the British Empire became independent in the early 1970s.
    • True
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on decolonization in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • False
      • Correct. Well done!
  • The Non-Aligned Movement dissolved after the end of the Cold War.
    • True
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Non-Aligned Movement in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.
    • False
      • Correct. Well done!
  • The Non-Aligned Movement sought to support nations who did not wish to become embroiled in the Cold War conflict between the US and Soviet Union.
    • True
      • Correct. Well done!
    • False
      • Incorrect. Review the activities on the Non-Aligned Movement in this learning pathway to help you find the correct answer.