Read the below article. As you do so, consider the following questions:
- Why was there initially great optimism at the end of the Cold War?
- What political, economic and social realignments have there been since the end of the Cold War?
Walter Lacquer, ‘After the Cold War’, The US Department of State, 8 May 2008.
How has the world changed economically, politically and socially since the end of the Cold War? Post your responses on WEnotes below. For example:
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Read the below article. As you do so, consider the following questions:
Walter Lacquer, ‘After the Cold War’, The US Department of State, 8 May 2008.
How has the world changed economically, politically and socially since the end of the Cold War? Post your responses on WEnotes below. For example:
You must be logged in to post to WEnotes.
(Visit the course feed to read comments from participants)
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