The Global Impact of World War II 1. Overview 2. The War in Europe: The fall of France 3. The Battle of the Atlantic 4. The War in Europe: Hitler’s invasion of Russia 5. World War Two 6. Images and voices of war 7. The Holocaust 8. Liberation of the Concentration Camps 9. The War in Asia and the Pacific: Pearl Harbor 10. The War in Asia and the Pacific: The Battle of Midway 11. Japanese surrender 12. The Allied victory 13. The Atomic bomb 14. Review The War in Europe: Hitler’s invasion of Russia Reading Read the below article. As you do so, consider the following questions: What tactics did the German army employ during the invasion of Russia? What led to the Russian victory? Laurence Rees, ‘Hitler’s Invasion of Russia in World War Two’, BBC History, 30 March 2011. Write a comment about Hitler’s invasion of Russia in WEnotes below. For example: The brutality of … The Battle of Stalingrad … You must be logged in to post to WEnotes. (Visit the course feed to read comments from participants) ← Previous Next →
Read the below article. As you do so, consider the following questions:
Laurence Rees, ‘Hitler’s Invasion of Russia in World War Two’, BBC History, 30 March 2011.
Write a comment about Hitler’s invasion of Russia in WEnotes below. For example:
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