View video series – University of Amsterdam: MOOC ICS: Cultural Groups. These three videos describe cultural influences and pressures that affect people.
The first video Cultural Groups [4:29 min] discusses how cultural similarities and differences affect sense of belonging, often to more than one culture Yet, all cultures are ever-changing. Change and diversity can both cause uncertainty in our lives. The key is to maintain group communication.
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The second video How to Fit In [5:03 min.] discusses uncertainty reduction theory and three strategies we can use to deal with uncertainty, which include observation, asking questions, or interacting with someone who knows. It also introduces the concept of group pressure to conform.
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The third video Cultural Conformity and Relativism [4:20 min] further examines group conformity literature, including the spiral of silence theory. It suggests we can use the uncertainty reduction strategies to overcome conformity, yet must also consider whether we believe in cultural relativism, or in one dominant cultural reality.
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View video series – University of Amsterdam: MOOC ICS: Cultural Groups. These three videos describe cultural influences and pressures that affect people.
The first video Cultural Groups [4:29 min] discusses how cultural similarities and differences affect sense of belonging, often to more than one culture Yet, all cultures are ever-changing. Change and diversity can both cause uncertainty in our lives. The key is to maintain group communication.
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The second video How to Fit In [5:03 min.] discusses uncertainty reduction theory and three strategies we can use to deal with uncertainty, which include observation, asking questions, or interacting with someone who knows. It also introduces the concept of group pressure to conform.
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The third video Cultural Conformity and Relativism [4:20 min] further examines group conformity literature, including the spiral of silence theory. It suggests we can use the uncertainty reduction strategies to overcome conformity, yet must also consider whether we believe in cultural relativism, or in one dominant cultural reality.
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