Marking Rubric
Use the rubric below to give yourself an idea of how well you have completed the assessment.
This is the same rubric that will be used to mark your assessment if you choose to be formally assessed.
Conflict communications (100%)
Conflict context
The chosen conflict situation is badly explained.
The chosen conflict situation is explained but little detail provided.
The chosen conflict situation is explained clearly and with sufficient detail.
Use of techniques from the course
The email makes use of none of the communication techniques taught in the course.
The email makes use of the communication techniques taught in the course but in an incomplete manner.
The email makes explicit use of the communication techniques taught in the course, and does so throughout.
Clear explanation of the situation and what comes next
The email poorly explains the situation, the bad behavior or assumptions, and the next steps.
The email explains some or all of the issues underpinning the situation, the bad behavior or assumptions, and it mentions the next steps, but in an incomplete manner.
The email clearly explains the situation, identifies the bad behavior or assumptions and lays out the next steps in a clear manner.
Structure and presentation
The email is structured illogically and its tone and style do not match the situation.
The email is uneven in its structure, tone and style.
The email is structured logically and the tone and style match the situation.
Clarity and conciseness
Information at times muddled or irrelevant; misses important information or there are lapses in spelling, punctuation, and grammar, which make it difficult for the reader to follow.
Information reasonably clear; occasionally misses important information, with occasional lapses in spelling, punctuation, and grammar but not enough to seriously distract the reader.
Information effectively and efficiently conveyed; highly focused; easily understood. The presentation contains no spelling errors, correct punctuation, and grammar; uses paragraphs, complete sentences.
Some appropriate vocabulary; tendency to be repetitive. Some correct word choice and discipline-specific terminology.
Generally appropriate vocabulary; not overly repetitive. Generally uses correct word choice and discipline-specific terminology.
Highly appropriate, well chosen, precise and varied vocabulary. Consistently uses correct word choice and discipline-specific terminology.
Part B: The happy workforce learning challenge (25%)
Ideal outcome
Exemplary (A)
Proficient (B)
Adequate (C)
Defined problem pertains to the learner clearly defining the issue or problem in the press release..
Key messages pertains to the learner identifying one to three key messages to communicate to the public and press
Tone pertains to the learner establishing the correct tone and sticking to it throughout the press release.
Marking Rubric
Use the rubric below to give yourself an idea of how well you have completed the assessment.
This is the same rubric that will be used to mark your assessment if you choose to be formally assessed.
Conflict communications (100%)
Part B: The happy workforce learning challenge (25%)