
Knowledge purpose and message

The purpose

If you have already completed the Outcomes and Assessment courses, you will have identified the learning objectives and assessment requirements.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are clear expectations of what learners will cover in a course. Learning outcomes should describe the knowledge, skills and abilities you want your learners to gather through the course. Learning outcomes guides how the course will be structured, how you are going to measure the learner’s success against each of the outcomes, and how you will capture progress.

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a guide you can evaluate what the learners need to be able to do by identifying the learning outcomes (evaluate, synthesise, analyse, apply, comprehend, recall , then choose verbs to help you build your learning outcome.

Performance and knowledge requirements

The resources you develop need to support the knowledge required for the assessment.
Understanding the requirements and expectations of competency at the completion of the course will help shape your resources and the format they will take.

They need to include information about what the task is, how it is performed and why the learner needs to know the information.

This will help the learner to be successful in their assessment after they have completed their onsite and online learning.

Resources need to be able to support these assessments or tests. You can’t test a learner on something they haven’t been taught. That simply isn’t fair!

The message

Your resources will have a specific purpose.

In order to meet that purpose your resources will need to have a clear message. Consider:

  • What is the desired learning outcome?
  • What information will the learner need for assessment?
  • What is the best way of ‘showing’ the learner the information?
  • Does the resource clearly provide the step by step instructions that the learner will need to complete a task in a logical sequence as it would occur in the workshop?



Conduct your own research into Bloom’s Taxonomy and Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy.

Identify the verbs in your learning outcomes within your OARAS.

Reflect on how you can use this when creating your own resources.

This research activity will assist you to complete your learning project.