Weighting table

Each task contributes to the calculation of the final grade according to the following proportional weightings.

Task Weighting
Task 1: Learning challenge reflection 15%
Task 2: Prepare a marketing report for a product or a service 85%
Total 100%

Download print version of Assessment description and rubrics for LiDA101 (pdf) (Comment.gif: PDF must be updated)

Task 1: Learning challenge reflection

(Weighting: 15%)

Criterion Judgment statement Marks
Reflective thinking The reflection explains the learner’s own thinking and learning processes, as well as implications for future learning. Achieved


The reflection explains the learner’s thinking about his/her own learning processes. Achieved


The reflection attempts to demonstrate thinking about learning but is vague and/or unclear about the personal learning process. Not achieved


Criterion Judgment statement Marks
Analysis The reflection is an in-depth analysis of the learning experience, the value of the derived learning to self and / or others, and the enhancement of the learner’s appreciation for the discipline. Achieved


The reflection includes an analysis of the learning experience and the value of the derived learning to self and / or others. Achieved


The reflection attempts to analyze the learner’s own experience but the value of the learning to the student and / or others is vague and/or unclear. Not achieved


Criterion Judgment statement Marks
Making connections The reflection articulates multiple connections between the learning experience and content from this and other courses, past learning, life experiences and future goals, citing multiple examples. Achieved


The reflection articulates some connections between the learning experience and content from this and other courses, past learning experiences, citing a few examples. Achieved


The reflection attempts to articulate connections between the learning experience and course content, but the connection is vague and/or unclear. Not achieved


Task 2: Prepare a marketing report for a product or a service

(Weighting: 85%)

Criterion Judgment statement Marks
Purpose and objective(s) The purpose and objective of the report are clear, and the report addresses the objective(s) in a focused and logical manner. Achieved


The purpose and objective of the report are clear, and the report addresses the objective(s). Achieved


The purpose and objective(s) of the report are unclear and incomplete. Not achieved


Criterion Judgment statement Marks
Marketing mix All 4Ps in relation to the product / service chosen are fully and clearly explained. Justification and explanation is provided for each one, and is clear, logical with supporting references. Achieved


The 4Ps in relation to the product / service chosen are explained but lack clarity. Justification and explanation is provided with some supporting references, but in some instances is incomplete and / or unclear. Achieved


Not all 4Ps in relation to the product / service chosen are fully explained. Some justification and explanation is provided for some of the Ps but some is unclear and lacking in supporting references. Not achieved


Criterion Judgment statement Marks
Market segments, positioning and product life cycle All elements of segmentation, target market and positioning of the chosen product are fully covered and clear. Justification and explanations are provided for each element, clear and logical with supporting references. Achieved


All elements of segmentation, target market and positioning of the chosen product / service are covered but some aspects are unclear. Justification and explanation with some supporting references is provided, but in some instances is incomplete and / or unclear. Achieved


Some elements of segmentation, target market and positioning of the chosen product / service are not covered. Some justification and explanation is provided but not for all elements and is lacking in supporting references. Not achieved


Criterion Judgment statement Marks
Conclusions and recommendations Conclusions are relevant and clearly portray the pros and cons of the strategy relevant to the key points and objectives of the report. Recommendations are specific action-oriented suggestions, with clear improvements for the chosen product / service. Conclusions/recommendations flow logically, with justification and supporting references. Achieved


Conclusions are relevant and portray the pros and cons of the strategy. Recommendations are specific action-oriented suggestions for improvement, oriented to the chosen product / service. Conclusions/recommendations flow logically and are presented in a clear, itemised format. Achieved


Some conclusions are relevant and portray some of the pros and cons of the strategy. Recommendations are provided but lack clarity and are not specific or action-oriented to the chosen product / service. Conclusions/recommendations flow logically, but the logic may not always be clearly presented and justified. Not achieved


Criterion Judgment statement Marks
Bibliography, presentation and referencing Clear and professional report presentation, accurate grammar and spelling. Extensive bibliography with correct implementation of the APA reference style. Achieved


Presentation is clear with few grammatical and spelling errors. Bibliography is adequate and references are included in the reference list with only a few APA style errors. Achieved


Report presentation is unclear with grammatical and spelling errors. Some bibliography is provided and / or referencing does not comply with the APA style. Not achieved
