Dear Student,
Welcome to Session 2 of World History: World War II to the Present. You can access all course materials for this micro-course on the website at anytime:
In Session 2 we learn about the course of World War II. We examine how Hitler was able to seize control of so much territory in Europe so quickly, and how Allied powers responded. Even as German forces were fighting crucial battles, such as in Russia, resources were diverted to pursue the destruction of European Jewry. Six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, along with other minorities such as Roma, homosexuals and the disabled. Meanwhile, Japan sought dominance in Asia and the Pacific. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, US forces helped turn the tide of the war, but at enormous cost in human life.
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Enjoy your learning,
Course Developer
Dear Student,
Welcome to Session 2 of World History: World War II to the Present. You can access all course materials for this micro-course on the website at anytime:
In Session 2 we learn about the course of World War II. We examine how Hitler was able to seize control of so much territory in Europe so quickly, and how Allied powers responded. Even as German forces were fighting crucial battles, such as in Russia, resources were diverted to pursue the destruction of European Jewry. Six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, along with other minorities such as Roma, homosexuals and the disabled. Meanwhile, Japan sought dominance in Asia and the Pacific. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, US forces helped turn the tide of the war, but at enormous cost in human life.
Its great to see so many of you accessing the course materials! We encourage you to share your learning with your peers by posting comments on WEnotes, and tell your friends about the OERu.
Enjoy your learning,
Course Developer
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