Dear Student,

Welcome to Session 3 of World History: World War II to the Present. You can access all course materials for this micro-course on the website at anytime:

In this session we learn about the aftermath of World War II. The United Nations was established as a mechanism to try and prevent a recurrence of such destructive global conflict; at the same time, however, already a new conflict was developing into the Cold War. At Nuremberg, a series of trials were held to try and bring the worst Nazi war criminals to justice; meanwhile Jewish survivors of the Holocaust languished in refugee camps, unable to return their former homes. You can begin Session 3 here.

As you proceed through the course, its a great idea to complete the review quiz at the end of each learning pathway. This will help you consolidate your knowledge, and if you are taking this micro-course for credit, it will help you prepare for your assessment.

Remember, its also a great idea to write a blog about your learning (and include the #whme103 course hashtag so a link appears in WEnotes), to reflect on your learning by posting a comment on WEnotes or to post a comment on our course forum. All of these activities can help you to build and consolidate your knowledge.

Enjoy your learning,


Course developer