Dear Student,

Welcome to Session 7 of World History: World War II to the Present. You can access all course materials for this micro-course on the website at anytime:

In this session we learn about developing nations in modern times. We consider some key events, such as the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, and the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. We also explore growth in developing countries, and potential pathways in the future. You can begin Session 7 here.

As you proceed through the course, its a great idea to complete the review quiz at the end of each learning pathway. This will help you consolidate your knowledge, and if you are taking this micro-course for credit, it will help you prepare for your assessment.

Have you posted a comment on WEnotes or the course forum lately? It’s a great way to share your new knowledge with your fellow students!

Enjoy your learning,


Course developer