Dear Student,
Welcome to Session 8 of World History: World War II to the Present. You can access all course materials for this micro-course on the website at anytime:
Congratulations on reaching the final session of the course! In this session we learn about many of the hot button issues of today, including globalization, human rights, gender equality and more. Begin Session 8 here.
Now you are almost finished the course, you may like to review your knowledge by completing the review quizzes at the end of each learning pathway. This will help you consolidate your knowledge, and if you are taking this micro-course for credit, it will help you prepare for your assessment. You might also like to reflect on the course by posting a comment on our course forum.
If you have enjoyed this course, why not consider future OERu courses? You can explore our current course offerings here.
Enjoy your learning,
Course developer
Dear Student,
Welcome to Session 8 of World History: World War II to the Present. You can access all course materials for this micro-course on the website at anytime:
Congratulations on reaching the final session of the course! In this session we learn about many of the hot button issues of today, including globalization, human rights, gender equality and more. Begin Session 8 here.
Now you are almost finished the course, you may like to review your knowledge by completing the review quizzes at the end of each learning pathway. This will help you consolidate your knowledge, and if you are taking this micro-course for credit, it will help you prepare for your assessment. You might also like to reflect on the course by posting a comment on our course forum.
If you have enjoyed this course, why not consider future OERu courses? You can explore our current course offerings here.
Enjoy your learning,
Course developer
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