Artistic Media: The camera arts 1. Overview and objectives 2. Introduction 3. Discussion Forum – Taking photographs 4. Early development 5. Impact on other media 6. Form and content 7. Darkroom processes 8. The human element 9. Color images 10. Photojournalism 11. Modern developments 12. Film, video and digital 13. Summary 14. Start – Film and Photographs Challenge 15. Tasks – Film and Photographs Challenge 16. Output – Film and Photographs Challenge Output – Film and Photographs Challenge Film and Photographs Challenge Outputs You are expected to produce two separate discussion forum posts, one answering the presented questions on film and the other answering questions about a photograph of your choice, using interpretive skills you have learned so far. You are also encouraged to comment on at least one other learner posting, if possible. ← Previous Next →
Film and Photographs Challenge Outputs
You are expected to produce two separate discussion forum posts, one answering the presented questions on film and the other answering questions about a photograph of your choice, using interpretive skills you have learned so far.
You are also encouraged to comment on at least one other learner posting, if possible.
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