Dear ART 103 participants,
Welcome to final Session 4 which covers the Spitituality and myth learning pathway. You will find information about the previous sessions in the Announcements section of the art103 course site.
In this final learning pathway, you will explore how art makes tangible things that inhabit the realm of human thoughts, beliefs and imagination. In particular, we study how art helps people interpret mortality, the spirit, and fantasy.
Reminder: Post your questions using WENotes course feed or the general course forum. Remember to include the url of the page where you are having problems.
We hope you enjoy this final session of your art103 course and will consider taking art101 and art102 if you have not already done so.
Please help to spread the word about the wonderful OERu learning opportunities.
Dear ART 103 participants,
Welcome to final Session 4 which covers the Spitituality and myth learning pathway. You will find information about the previous sessions in the Announcements section of the art103 course site.
In this final learning pathway, you will explore how art makes tangible things that inhabit the realm of human thoughts, beliefs and imagination. In particular, we study how art helps people interpret mortality, the spirit, and fantasy.
Reminder: Post your questions using WENotes course feed or the general course forum. Remember to include the url of the page where you are having problems.
We hope you enjoy this final session of your art103 course and will consider taking art101 and art102 if you have not already done so.
Please help to spread the word about the wonderful OERu learning opportunities.
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